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How do I disable the customer account portion of my storefront?

The following article explains how to disable the customer account portion of a MIVA Merchant storefront. MIVA Merchant offers return customers the ability to create their own account that stores their shipping and billing information. The purpose of these accounts is to allow for an easier shopping experience when the customer returns.

There are three ways customers access this functionality:

  • When a customer attempts to enter the checkout process, they are prompted with the following options: Create New Account, Place Order Without Account and Log into Existing Account.
  • A Sign In link is visible in the category tree.
  • An Account button is in the navigation bar.

Each of these can be disabled, preventing customers from creating accounts.

To remove the login option during checkout, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into the MIVA Merchant Admin section located at If this address does not work, you may need to use Older MIVA Merchant stores were configured with this address.
  2. Expand the Stores menu.
  3. Click on the Store Name.
  4. Click Shopping Interface Settings from the menu.
  5. Uncheck Display Customer Login Before Checkout.
  6. Click Update.

To remove Sign In from the category tree, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into the MIVA Merchant Admin section located at If this address does not work, you may need to use Older MIVA Merchant stores were configured with this address.
  2. Expand the Stores menu.
  3. Click on the Store Name.
  4. Click Customer Links from the menu.
  5. Remove the code from the Customer Login Link text area.
  6. Click Update.

To remove the login option during checkout, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into the MIVA Merchant Admin section located at If this address does not work, you may need to use Older MIVA Merchant stores were configured with this address.
  2. Expand the Stores menu.
  3. Click on the Store Name.
  4. Click Navigation Bar from the menu.
  5. Change the Account image to graphics/en-US/admin/blank.gif.
  6. Click Update.