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How do I configure ActiveSync for my Exchange Hosting account?

The following article explains how to configure ActiveSync for your Exchange Hosting account. When configuring your mobile device using ActiveSync, you will need to enter some or all of the following information:

Mail Service: Exchange ActiveSync
Account ID / User Name: <see below>
Password: password
Email Address:
Mail Server:
Domain: MAIL

Account ID / User Name

When each mailbox is created, an Exchange User is created on the server. This user is used when an Account ID or User Name is required. You can find the Exchange User information in the Manage Mailboxes section of the Control Panel.

  1. Open a browser window and go to
  2. Click on Control Panel Login.
  3. Log into the Control Panel as the Account Administrator and select the appropriate domain.
  4. Expand Exchange Administration and select Manage Mailboxes.

The Exchange user for each mailbox will be displayed in the table. The Exchange user information is created by the Exchange server and cannot be changed.