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How do I add and manage additional FTP users?

The following article explains how to create and manage FTP users for a Windows based hosting account.

To manage your FTP user(s), please follow these steps:

  1. Open a browser window and go to
  2. Click on Control Panel Login.
  3. Log into the Control Panel as one of the following:
    • Account Administrator and select the appropriate domain
    • Technical Contact for the domain
  4. Click on Website Administration and select FTP Manager.
  5. You can now choose to create, modify, disable, or delete a FTP user.

Create new FTP user | Modify existing FTP user | Disable existing FTP user | Delete existing FTP user

To create a new FTP user, please follow these steps:

  1. Click Create a New FTP Account.
  2. Enter in the necessary information:
    • Login - enter the FTP username
    • Password - enter the FTP password
    • Confirm Password - re-enter the FTP password for verification
    • Home Directory - choose the login directory the FTP user will use
    • Disk Quota - set the disk quota for this user
    • File Permissions:
      • Read - the FTP user can view files in directories
      • Write - the FTP user can upload files to directories
      • Delete - the FTP user can delete files from directories
    • Directory Permissions:
      • List - the FTP user can see the list of directories
      • Make - the FTP user can create new directories
      • Remove - the FTP user can delete directories
    • Sub-Directory Permissions:
      • Inherit - new uploaded files will inherit permissions based on the primary folder (this should be checked)
  3. Click Create FTP Account.

To modify the FTP permissions for an existing user, please follow these steps:

  1. Locate the FTP user you want to modify and click edit.
  2. Click the permissions of the directory you wish to edit.
  3. Set the new permissions.
  4. Click Update Permissions.

To disable an FTP user, please follow these steps:

  1. Locate the FTP user you want to disable and click disable.
  2. Note: Disabling the FTP user will only disable FTP access, it will not disable the Technical Contact.

To delete an FTP user, please follow these steps:

  1. Locate the FTP user you want to delete and click remove.
  2. When prompted to confirm the deletion, click OK.
  3. Note: Removing the FTP user will only remove FTP access, it will not remove the Technical Contact.