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How do I configure a DSN through the Control Panel?

The following article explains how to create a Data Source Name (DSN) through the Control Panel. This DSN name can link to a MS Access or MS SQL database and can be used in connection strings within your code.

To configure a DSN, please follow these steps:

  1. Open a browser window and go to
  2. Click on Control Panel Login.
  3. Log into the Control Panel as one of the following:
    • Account Administrator and select the appropriate domain
    • Technical Contact for the domain
  4. Click on Website Administration and select Create DSN.
  5. Select the DSN Type.
  6. Click Add DSN.
  7. Enter the necessary information: a. Microsoft Access Database
    • DSN Name - enter a name for your DSN that is unique to your website
    • Database File - enter the path to your database file
    • Notes - add any notes about your DSN

    b. Microsoft SQL Database
    • DSN Name - enter a name for your DSN that is unique to your website
    • Server Address - enter the name of the server your SQL database is on (the information is in your SQL setup email)
    • Database Name - enter the name of your database
    • Notes - add any notes about your DSN
  8. Click Add DSN.