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How do I create a CFMapping through's Control Panel?

The following article explains how to create a CFMapping through's Control Panel. CFMappings are used by ColdFusion to create a mapping to a specific folder in your website. The mapping is used with the cfinclude and cfmodule tags. To make the mappings unique, the Control Panel will automatically append your Domain ID to the mapping name.

To configure a CFMapping, please follow these steps:

  1. Open a browser window and go to
  2. Click on Control Panel Login.
  3. Log into the Control Panel as one of the following:
    • Account Administrator and select the appropriate domain
    • Technical Contact for the domain
  4. Click on Website Administration and select CF Mappings.
  5. Click Add Mapping.
  6. Enter the necessary information:
    • Mapping Name - enter a name for the mapping beginning with /
    • Pathway - select the folder the mapping points to
  7. Click Add Mapping.

Once the mapping is created it will be displayed on this page. To delete the mapping click Delete.